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Child Nutrition

Welcome to the Child Nutrition page where you can find information about food menus, prices and curriculum related to nutrition.

Food Menus



Grades 6-7 

Grade 8

Grade 9

Union Logo That Looks Like Pizza

Meal Prices


  • Students - $1.40
  • Adults - $2.30


  • Elementary - $2.20
  • Grades 6-9 - $2.50
  • High School - $2.70
  • High School Deli - $2.70
  • Adult- $4.85

Extra Milk - $0.70
Reduced-Cost Lunch - $.40
Reduced-Cost Breakfast - $.30

Fast Foods & A La Carte costs vary.

Make A Payment

Hot Lunch Program

Union students have the option of bringing their lunch or purchasing a hot lunch, sandwich or salad in the school cafeteria. Elementary students should purchase lunch tickets from the cafeteria manager between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m. Schools can accept either a daily cash payment for meals or a pre-paid dollar amount ranging from $1 to $200. If lunch money is lost or forgotten, a student is permitted to charge lunch for three days only.

Elementary students will receive an alternate meal after seven (7) charges and we allow one charge for secondary students.  View district charge policy.

Food may not be ordered from outside vendors and/or delivered to school without prior permission from the principal. Parents must check in at the school office first when delivering food items. Parents must be present with the student in the cafeteria if food is brought in from outside.


Students may pay for an entire month or an entire semester. Money is deposited in each child's lunch account and deducted daily. With pre-payment, students do not need to carry money to school on a daily basis.


The most important meal of the day is usually the one meal that most people skip-breakfast. Thankfully, school breakfast is available at all Union Public School sites.

There are many advantages to eating breakfast at school:  it saves time in the morning in the hectic rush to get to school, work, etc.; school breakfasts are nutritious; school breakfasts consists of foods that students like such as pancakes, breakfast sandwiches, and French toast; and students can eat with their friends and classmates.  There are eight elementary schools that provide breakfast in the classroom.  Consider trying breakfast at school and “jump start” your student’s day with a nutritious meal that will help them perform their best!

Apply For Free and Reduced-Cost Meals

Apply For Free & Reduced-Cost Meals

If your child’s application was approved in a previous year, you still need to fill one out for the current year. Your child’s application is only good for one school year and the first few days of the new school year.

Direct Questions to:

Jenny Bradley
Child Nutrition Office Manager
Union Public Schools
Education Service Center
8506 E 61st Street Tulsa, OK 74133-1926

Payment Information

About Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition employs more than150 professionals that include managers, team members, drivers, warehouse workers, and supervisors. School meals are planned by registered dietitians to reflect the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and student preferences as determined at student taste parties. Low cost, nutritious school meals are served to more than 15,000 customers every day and breakfast is offered in all schools.


District Policies

Need Extra Money?

Parents, are you looking for extra money? Cafeteria jobs are available now and the hours are convenient. For more information, contact the Child Nutrition Department at 918-357-4321.



Bradyn Powell
Director of Child Nutrition

Jaime Gardner
Associate Director of Child Nutrition 


Mike Yip
Executive Chef,
Culinary Operations Coordinator

Bernice Tharps
Food Service
Purchasing Agent/
Senior Financial Clerk

Angela Morris
Procurement Manager

Carissa Trost
Inventory Manager

Jennifer Larue
Free and Reduced Meal Application Manager

Dietitian/Nutrition Education Specialists

Fritzi Hoffmann
Director’s Administrative Assistant

Cafeteria Managers
(School Sites)

Child Nutrition At A Glance

High School girl smiles during lunchtime
Child Nutrition staff posing in front of the Union Education Service Center
3 Union Child Nutrition workers show soap suds on their hands
Grandparents enjoy lunch with kids outside at Ellen Ochoa
People in line getting food at a buffet
Elderly man kisses an earthworm while Grove girl watches
Students eating lunch at 6th/7th Grade Center
2 Culinary Interns hold up food with adult Child Nutrition worker behind them
2 Child Nutrition workers eat lunch at table
2 child nutrition workers stand back to back with arms folded
Child Nutrition Worker Candyse Walker receives award from Union Superintendent Dr. Kirt Hartzler
Union elementary boys eat lunch
Union elementary girl eats lunch
3 Union employees hold their plates of food
Volunteers makes the Union hand U gesture with a worm
3 Child Nutrition workers hold pizza boxes over their heads
2 Union Child Nutrition workers laugh while working
Mom with her son and daughter at lunch
2 High School students eat outside in front of the Union Collegiate Academy
4 Union elementary girls smile while sitting at lunch
3 Union Child Nutrition works lay on table with their hands and legs stretched out
Union kids eat lunch at long tables
Union elementary boy smiles during his lunch
Union elementary boy eats slices of pizza
Union elementary kids eat pizza