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Freshman Media Center

The media center at the UHS Freshman Academy is not just a library of books and media for students. The spacious room, which features a lower and upper floor, is used for student events, gatherings and other functions as needed.


Freshman Academy Media Center Canvas Course

Visit this Canvas Course for help to find books in the Media Center or online; for instructions to guide you through the research process; and for a virtual makerspace with tips and links on crafts, puzzles, gardening and other online educational activities. This Canvas course is available to any Union student with a Canvas login. 


Access the online catalog to look for books in the collection at the Freshman Academy.


Visit Noodletools to see templates for creating and storing Works Cited Pages online.  


Student stands in the freshman media center.

Welcome to the UHS Freshman Academy Media Center!


Media Center Specialist

Bethany Cook